The Experience of Distance Learning in the Belarusian State Economic University
Nowadays distance learning exists in various modifications. This article discusses an alternative technology of distance learning in the educational institution “BSEU”, which is to organize a rhythmic educational process with constant contact of students and teachers. The proposed technology is implemented with students on the basis of the first higher education with a shortened period of study. The material describes in detail the stages of design of the educational process and the stage of its practical implementation with students of speciality 1 24 01 02 “Law” and 101 07 “Economics and management of the enterprise”. The described technology allows in practice to provide a weekly controlled educational process in the intersessional period, which leads to an increase in the quality of performance of students compared to part-time students, as well as a decrease in the duration of the session and reduce the cost of learning.
About the Authors
A. M. SedunBelarus
Candidate of Sciences (Technology), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
26 Partizansky Ave., 220070 Minsk, Republic of Belarus
E. A. Grinevich
Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Head of Distance Learning Academic Services
6 Partizansky Ave., 220070 Minsk, Republic of BelarusA. I. Vereshchako
Methodist of Distance Learning Academic Service
9 Kalvarijskaja Str., 220030 Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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For citations:
Sedun A.M., Grinevich E.A., Vereshchako A.I. The Experience of Distance Learning in the Belarusian State Economic University. Digital Transformation. 2018;(4):56-60. (In Russ.)