Social Capital and Social Networks under the Conditions of Digitalization: Interconnections and Implementation Features
The goal of the article is to analyze the new aspects of accumulation and usage, as well as the opportunities for growth of an important determinant of well-being – social capital – in connection with the active development of social networks under the conditions of digitalization and current social and economic situation. The interconnections as well as the development of social capital, social media and social networks in the context of the digital divide concept were investigated. It was suggested to distinguish digital social capital taking into account different sources and effects of this social and economic phenomenon. In addition, the econometric analysis of social capital, various social and economic indicators, as well as online activity was conducted. Based on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of modern social capital, social media and social networks, information and communication technologies (hereafter – ICT) were analysed, considering the dual nature of the Internet as well as digitalization.
About the Author
O. Y. ZhukovskayaBelarus
Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Innovatics and Entrepreneurial Activity Department
31 K. Marx Str., 220030 Minsk
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For citations:
Zhukovskaya O.Y. Social Capital and Social Networks under the Conditions of Digitalization: Interconnections and Implementation Features. Digital Transformation. 2020;(4):21-33. (In Russ.)