
Digital Transformation

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Choosing a Web Service for Creating a Digital Educational Event


The analysis of features and usability of online services of four platforms Simpoll, Survio, Mentometer and Google Forms that can be taken into account by teachers when choosing them for creating an educational resource. The most significant differences between these services and the factors that contribute to the rapid content filling of online surveys for any educational activities, taking into account their features, are identified. The main features of each of the presented services are described. The paper presents the results of designing a digital event using an open survey form on the example of an ecological and mathematical interactive rapid test for students of all forms and types of education. The survey on the quality of the event showed a high 85% level of satisfaction and interest of respondents in this testing format.

About the Authors

A. B Neuzorava
Belarusian State University of Transport

Doctor of Science (Technical), Professor, Associate Professor of the Department «Water Supply, Chemistry and Ecology»

34 Kirova Str., 246653 Gomel

N. S. Goroshko
Belarusian State University of Transport

Master's Student, Engineer

34 Kirova Str., 246653 Gomel


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For citations:

Neuzorava A.B., Goroshko N.S. Choosing a Web Service for Creating a Digital Educational Event. Digital Transformation. 2020;(4):34-43. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
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