Internet Banking Development Trends as a New Form of Organizing Interaction of Banks with Clients
The article examines Internet banking, its main goals and objectives. The development of Internet banking abroad in the world andTurkmenistanis being considered. The services provided by Internet banking, its advantages and disadvantages are considered. The economic efficiency of the use of Internet banking in the commercial bank of Turkmenistan (AKB) «Rysgal» is determined. An important task of internet banking is to gain the trust of users. It is necessary to create a clearer legal framework for banks operating in the Internet banking market, this will increase the confidence of users in this type of banking services.
About the Author
M. A. AnnanurovBelarus
PhD student of department of economics
39 Platonova Str., 220013 Minsk
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For citations:
Annanurov M.A. Internet Banking Development Trends as a New Form of Organizing Interaction of Banks with Clients. Digital Transformation. 2020;(4):68-72. (In Russ.)