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The Use of Multifunctional Identification Cards in the Education System of the Republic of Belarus


The article discusses the experience of introducing and using multifunctional identification cards in the education system of the Republic of Belarus. The main advantages of using radio frequency identification technologies are considered. Electronic identification cards have been introduced in the national education system: student cards, employee IDs, student cards. Due to the observance of the principles of continuity of technical solutions in the process of project evolution, solutions are successfully functioning that allow the use of smart cards in functional applications (access control systems in university buildings and dormitories; reader service systems in university libraries, systems for granting benefits to document owners in the provision of various services on the territory of the university). Along with the introduction of multifunctional identification cards, the BSU has created an infrastructure for the use of new electronic documents on the Mifare Plus platform.

About the Authors

A. N. Kurbatski
Belarusian State University

Doctor of Science (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Programming Technologies

 4 Independence Ave., 220030 Minsk

Yu. I. Varatnitski
Belarusian State University

Candidate of Science (Physics, Mathematics), Head of the Department of Telecommunications and Information Technologies

5 Kurchatova Str., 220108 Minsk

L. P. Kochyn
Belarusian State University

Candidate of Science (Technical), Head of Information Technology Department

4 Independence Ave., 220030 Minsk

A. V. Reshetniak
Centre ID of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Deputy Technical Director R&D Centre ID of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

15 Akademicheskaya Str., 220072 Minsk

V. I. Dravitsa
Centre ID of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Candidate of Science (Physics, Mathematics), Director R&D Centre ID of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus  

15 Akademicheskaya Str., 220072 Minsk


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For citations:

Kurbatski A.N., Varatnitski Yu.I., Kochyn L.P., Reshetniak A.V., Dravitsa V.I. The Use of Multifunctional Identification Cards in the Education System of the Republic of Belarus. Digital Transformation. 2021;(1):46-52. (In Russ.)

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