The article examines the features of the educational process in the digital era, the main distinctive features of the digital generation and its specific needs, as well as key competencies and skills that required in the digital economy. The main trends in the sphere of education are described. The priority directions of transformation of education are proposed, which allow successfully adapt the education system, primarily higher education, to the requirements of the information society. The experience of the USA and European countries in the field of digital transformation of education is presented.
About the Author
M. M. KovalevBelarus
Dr. Sc. (Technology), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, Dean of the Faculty of Economics
1. Tapscott D. Pokolenie cifrovoj jepohi: kak setevoe pokolenie izmenjaet mir [Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation]. Moscow, McGraw-Hill, 2009. 392 p.
2. Navyki i kompetencii prepodavatelej universitetov v jere cifrovogo obrazovanija. Rezul'tat 1.3 [Skills and competences of university teachers in the era of digital education. Result 1.3]. Available at: (accessed 20.02.2018) (in Russian).
For citations:
Kovalev M.M. EDUCATION FOR THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Digital Transformation. 2018;(1):37-42. (In Russ.)