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Information Support of Methods for Rationing Stocks Based on the Platform of the CIS "1C: Enterprise"


The purpose of this paper is to form information support for inventory rationing methods based on the CIS "1C: Enterprise" platform and to offer practical recommendations for the absence of built-in automated inventory management tools in the CIS. The scientific novelty lies in the emphasis in the development of methodological support on two possible cases: the presence and absence of standard automation tools for inventory management in CIS "1C: Enterprise", and the proposal by the author of the study of a specific methodology for the second case. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: systematic logistic approach, methods of system analysis, generalization of results, experiment.
The paper proposes information support of methods for calculating the parameters of inventory management in procurement logistics, based on the CIS "1C: Enterprise" platform, for the presence and absence of automated inventory management tools in CIS, and also developed practical recommendations for the absence of automated inventory management tools. Practical recommendations have been developed for embedding the approach into management practice: a) reports have been generated on indicators: inventory management parameters, logistics costs, - in 1C: Enterprise, b) a method has been developed for integrating these reports and related directories into CIS using the program configurator. The research results can be used by industrial and commercial enterprises when setting up inventory management parameters in CIS "1C: Enterprise".

About the Author

E. V. Ankuda

postgraduate student


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For citations:

Ankuda E.V. Information Support of Methods for Rationing Stocks Based on the Platform of the CIS "1C: Enterprise". Digital Transformation. 2021;(4):5-19. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)