Synergy and innovation of digital business solutions and “smart city” infrastructure
Currently, there is a rapid development of digital technologies that determine not only innovative trends in the development of economic entities, but also cause possible synergistic changes in the future. Digitalization of all spheres of the modern socio-economic system leads to the active introduction of innovative developments in our daily lives, but also determines the possible risks. The article uncovers the controversial issues of the digital economy, pays attention to the current state of digital technologies, economic principles and provisions of the formation and features, characteristics of the digital services economy, its capabilities, as well as makes forecasts of the development of digitalization processes in society.
About the Author
P. A. LevchaevRussian Federation
Dr. of Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Professor at the Finance and Credit Department
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For citations:
Levchaev P.A. Synergy and innovation of digital business solutions and “smart city” infrastructure. Digital Transformation. 2022;28(3):15-23. (In Russ.)