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E-Commerce of China: its Reasons for Success and Current Development Trends


E-commerce is one of the highly digitalized industries, which quickly changes the way people buy products and use companies’ services. There are many countries in the world economy now that are trying to adapt informational and communication technologies in various industries to stay competitive and use nowadays’ benefits of the Internet, etc. The article considers the e-commerce in China – global leader in the industry. The content of the Chinese e-commerce development foundation, as well as its characteristic features and trends are described. Moreover, recommendations on e-commerce development are given, in particular, for the Republic of Belarus. The novelty of the research conducted lies in the fact that it is the first in the Belarusian practice, which is based on a large array of factual data, and reflects comprehensive analysis of the current state of the Chinese e-commerce, the prerequisites for its rapid development over the past decade and its prospects in the foreseeable future.

About the Authors

A. A. Vlasenko
Belarusian State University

Vlasenko A. A., Master's Student of HSE Graduate School of Business

Moscow, Russian Federation

G. G. Goloventchik
Belarusian State University

Goloventchik Galina Gennad’evna, Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor at the Department of International Economic Relations

220030, Minsk, Leningradskaya St., 20
Tel. +375 44 710-69-05


1. ASEAN+3 Regional Economic Outlook 2022. Available:

2. FDI China Exclusive: The 21 Free Trade Zones Guide 2022. Available:

3. 12 China E-commerce Market Trends 2022. Available:


For citations:

Vlasenko A.A., Goloventchik G.G. E-Commerce of China: its Reasons for Success and Current Development Trends. Digital Transformation. 2022;28(4):43-52.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)