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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Increasing the Digital Literacy of Personnel in the Context of Digital Transformation


The problem of evaluating the effectiveness of increasing the digital literacy of personnel in the context of digital transformation is considered. A brief review of studies conducted to date on the subject under study is presented. Two main trends that characterize the modern labor market - the replacement of a person by a machine and the lack of personnel with the level of digital literacy required at this stage of development of information and communication technologies are identified. An algorithm for assessing the economic efficiency of investments in improving the digital literacy of employees of an organization is proposed. Structurally, the algorithm consists of assessing the costs of improving the digital literacy of employees, and also includes methodological approaches to assessing the integral effect of the implemented activities. A method for calculating the economic, scientific, technical, environmental, social effects, as well as the final indicator characterizing the effectiveness of increasing the digital literacy of employees is proposed.

About the Author

V. S. Knyazkova
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Knyazkova V. S., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor
at the Department of Management 

220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6


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For citations:

Knyazkova V.S. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Increasing the Digital Literacy of Personnel in the Context of Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation. 2023;29(1):23-31. (In Russ.)

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