Principles of Human Resource Management According to Jeffrey Pfeffer in the Context of Digital Business Transformation
The problem of effective human resource management is relevant at all stages of the life cycle of an organization. Every day, HR managers have to deal with difficulties, the solution for which is often not trivial, and sometimes requires the use of modern digital technologies. This article analyzes the basic principles of human resource management proposed by Jeffrey Pfeffer in terms of positive and negative aspects of implementing each principle in practice. The article concludes with recommendations on possible options for such an implementation in the context of digital transformation.
About the Author
A. N. KazinetsBelarus
Kazinets Aliaksandr Nikalayavich, Postgraduate at the Department of Economics
220013, Minsk, P. Brovki St., 6
Tel.: +375 17 293-80-46
1. Connecting Talent with Opportunity in the Digital Age. McKinsey. Available: (Accessed 8 October 2022).
2. Wilkinson A., Redman T., Dundon T. (2021) Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases.6th ed. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
3. Pfeffer J. (1994) Competitive Advantage through People Unleashing the Power of the Workforce. HarvardBusiness School Press.
4. Pfeffer J. (1998) The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First. Harvard Business School Press.
For citations:
Kazinets A.N. Principles of Human Resource Management According to Jeffrey Pfeffer in the Context of Digital Business Transformation. Digital Transformation. 2023;29(2):24-34. (In Russ.)