About the Author
V. S. KnyazkovaBelarus
Master of Economic Sciences, Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer.
6 P. Brovka Str., 220013 Minsk.
1. Lis P. A., Slizh V. I., Bogush V. A. Directions and mechanisms for the implementation of the digital agenda of the EAEU in the Republic of Belarus. Tsyfrovaya Transformazyia [Digital Transformation], 2018, no. 1 (2), pp. 5–13 (in Russian).
2. Beliatskaya, T. N. Methods of comparative analyses of e-economy systems. Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-issledovatelskii zhurnal [International Scientific and Research Journal], 2017, no. 10 (64), pp. 75–84 (in Russian).
3. Beliatskaya, T. N. Ecosystem of e-markets and factors that determine it. Nauchno-technicheskie vedomosti SPbGPU. Economicheskie nauki [Scientific and Technical Journal of StPSPU. Economic Sciences], 2017, is. 10, no. 6, pp. 9–17 (in Russian).
4. Beliatskaya, T. N. Ecosystem of e-economy: identification and issues. Azimut nauchnyh issledovanii: economica i upravlenie [Azimuth of Scientific Research: Economics and Management], 2017, is. 6, no. 3, pp. 55–59 (in Russian).
5. Beliatskaya, T. N., Knyazkova V. S. Ecosystem of e-economy: intellectual perspective. Vestnik Brestskaga universiteta. Seryia 2. Historya. Ecanomika. Prava [Brest Unversity’s Herald. Series 2. History. Economy. Law], 2018, no. 1, pp. 76–84 (in Russian).
6. Bughin J., Manyika J. Measuring the full impact of digital. Available at: (accessed: 07.01.2018).
7. The Education for All Development Index // Available at: (accessed: 12.07.2017).
8. Technical Report of the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) // Available at: (accessed: 20.04.2017).
9. Dobrenkov V. Metody sociologitcheskogo issledovania [Methods of Sociological Research]. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2017. 768 p. (in Russian).
10. Yadov V. Strategia sociologitcheskogo issledovania [Strategy of Sociological Research]. Moscow, Omega-L Publ., 2009. 567 p. (in Russian).
11. Kravchenko A. Metodologia i metody sociologitcheskih issledovanii [Methodology and Methods of Sociological Research]. Moscow, URAIT-M Publ., 2015. 828 p. (in Russian).
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13. Malhorta H. Marketingovye issledovania [Marketing Research]. Moscow, I.D. Viliams Publ., 2007. 1200 p. (in Russian).
14. Golubkov E. Marketingovye issledovania [Marketing Research]. Moscow, Finpress Publ., 1998. 416 p. (in Russian).
For citations:
Knyazkova V.S. THE METHODOLOGY OF INTELLECTUAL COMPONENT OF E-ECONOMY RESEARCH. Digital Transformation. 2018;(2):19-28. (In Russ.)