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Machine Learning Model for Processing Aerospace Images of the Earthʼs Surface


The article presents the specifics of acquisition and processing aerospace images of the earth's surface in the context of their digitalization for creating accurate topographic maps and plans in digital and graphic formats. A data processing model has been developed based on the Python programming language and neural networks, the purpose of which is to improve the recognition of objects in aerospace images. The methodology for creating a machine learning model includes defining the goals and objectives of the model, selecting an appropriate learning algorithm (in this case, neural networks), collecting and preparing a data set, tuning the model, and testing on a test data set. The shortcomings of existing data processing algorithms are also discussed and an approach is presented to improve the efficiency of data processing and analysis.

About the Authors

T. F. Starovoitova
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus

Starovoitova T. F., Cand. of Sci., Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Academy of Public Administration under

220019, Minsk, Skripnikova St., 35–92

Tel.: +375 29 757-59-11

I. A. Starovoitov
Republican Design Institute for Land Management «Belgiprozem»

Starovoitov I. A., Technician at the Geographic Information Systems Department


1. Coelho L. P., Richart V. (2016) Building Machine Learning Systems in Python. Moscow, DMK Press Publ.

2. How Does Lidar Work? Available: (Accessed 20 September 2023).

3. Review of the Most Popular Machine Learning Algorithms. Available: (Accessed 20 September 2023).


For citations:

Starovoitova T.F., Starovoitov I.A. Machine Learning Model for Processing Aerospace Images of the Earthʼs Surface. Digital Transformation. 2024;30(1):63-70. (In Russ.)

Views: 296

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)