E-learning Technologies in Teaching of the Discipline "Life Safety"
At present, a teacher has access to a wide range of tools for training with use of e-learning technologies: distance learning systems, a variety of synchronous and asynchronous means of interaction, electronic library systems and others. However, the existence of the teacher access to a variety of IT-services does not mean unconditional positive results towards the realization of the goals and objectives of education. In the article it is described pedagogically grounded approach to the teaching of a particular discipline (on the example of еру discipline "Life Safety") in the terms of use of e-learning technologies.
About the Author
N. S. MalchenkoBelarus
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For citations:
Malchenko N.S. E-learning Technologies in Teaching of the Discipline "Life Safety". Informatization of Education. 2015;(1):74-82. (In Russ.)