Digital Transformation of Technological Design in the Preparation of Design Engineers: History and Prospects
Significant advances in the implementation of information technology in the educational process cannot occur on their own. Success in this area is ensured by many years of hard work aimed at a gradual transition from the use of traditional teaching methods to automated ones. This transition on the example of implementing a computeraided design of technological processes is considered. The stages of the formation of this activity are described, starting with systems based on SM EVM (СМ ЭВМ, abbreviation of Система Малых ЭВМ – literally System of Mini Computers. It was the general name for several types of Soviet minicomputers produced in the 1970s and 1980s) operating under the control of a real-time operating system, and ending with electronic complexes for information support of design and technological design based on PDM systems.
About the Author
A. V. PetukhovBelarus
Senior lecturer of the chair "Technology of mechanical engineering"
48 Oktyabrya Ave. 246746 Gomel
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For citations:
Petukhov A.V. Digital Transformation of Technological Design in the Preparation of Design Engineers: History and Prospects. Digital Transformation. 2020;(1):57-72.