Digital Recruitment Using Intelligent Dialogue Systems Based on Machine Learning Principles
In connection with the digital transformation of the Belarusian economy companies face the task of choosing the ways of transition from classical methods of human resources management to the model "HR 3.0", which allows to increase efficiency and speed of solving the tasks of recruitment, retention and development of personnel as a result of using cloud technologies, chat bots and artificial intelligence. One of the key areas of human resources management improvement is digitalization of the recruiting process. The article suggests the technology of implementation of digital recruiting by Belarusian companies; the method of evaluation of candidates' CVs is given; the method of conducting preliminary interviews with the use of intelligent dialog systems based on the principles of machine learning is given; the example of using the chat-bot in the process of selection and evaluation of candidates is considered; the advantages of digital recruitment over the classical methods of personnel recruitment are specified.
About the Author
I. N. KalinouskayaBelarus
Candidate of Science (Technical), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Marketing
72 Moskovsky Ave., 210035 Vitebsk
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For citations:
Kalinouskaya I.N. Digital Recruitment Using Intelligent Dialogue Systems Based on Machine Learning Principles. Digital Transformation. 2021;(1):24-34. (In Russ.)