Introduction of Digital Technologies in Organizations of the Republic of Belarus: State and Problems of Development
The paper analyzes the results of a questionnaire study of the state of digital transformation in organizations of the Republic of Belarus. The study found that the majority of executives surveyed believe that implementing digital initiatives is now a prerequisite to compete and succeed. The indicators of the use of information and communication technologies in organizations, which are basic for the transformation of business processes into digital ones, are considered. The assessment of the use of information systems by enterprises that automate the processes of accounting, planning and control is carried out. The importance of advanced automation integrated with key IT systems (infrastructure, software, networks) for the successful implementation of digital technologies is reflected. The results of the survey showed that organizations in the Republic of Belarus are increasingly implementing many key technologies in the field of digital transformation. The widely used technologies are identified, as well as those of the greatest interest for the future implementation by Belarusian companies.
About the Author
N. G. LopatovaBelarus
Head of the Section of Innovation-Driven Economic Development
Surganova str. 1, bldg 2, 220072, Minsk
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For citations:
Lopatova N.G. Introduction of Digital Technologies in Organizations of the Republic of Belarus: State and Problems of Development. Digital Transformation. 2021;(3):5-10. (In Russ.)