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Interface of the Automated System for Technological Preparation for the Production of Prototypes of Structurally Complex Products


With tight deadlines for designing and mastering the production of structurally complex products, the production of prototypes occupies a special place in their life cycle. On the one hand, this process crowns the design development, and on the other hand, it precedes the technological preparation of the main production. Despite the importance of the issues of developing a scientifically based model of technological preparation for the production of prototypes, they have not yet been adequately reflected in scientific research. This is partly due to ethical considerations, since in the field of information technology a developer, in some cases, cannot disclose the results of his research until a certain time. The purpose of the study was to develop an interface for an automated system for the technological preparation of the production of prototypes of structurally complex products, carried out to simplify the interaction of the technologist-designer with the system. During the research, an interface for an auto[1]mated system for structural analysis of prototypes of structurally complex products and a system for automated design of technological processes for manufacturing prototypes of structurally complex products were developed.

About the Author

A. V. Petukhov
Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel

Petukhov Alexander Vladimirovich - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Technology of Mechanical Engineering

246746, Gomel, Octyabrya Ave., 48

Tel.: +375 29 734-25-13


1. Petukhov A. V. (1993) Automation of the Design of Technological Processes for the Production of Prototypes. Tractors and Agricultural Machines. (12), 33–35. Available: (Accessed 4 March 2023) (in Russian).

2. Petukhov A. V. (1990) Diagnostic Analysis at the Stage of Pre-Project Research. Tractors and Agricultural Machines. (2), 21–22. Available: (Accessed 4 March 2023) (in Russian).

3. Petukhov A. V. (1994) Automation of Structural Analysis During Technological Preparation of Production of Prototypes. Tractors and Agricultural Machines. (3), 24–26. Available: (Accessed 4 March 2023) (in Russian).

4. Petukhov A. V. (1993) Study of the Functional Structure of the System of Technological Preparation for the Production of Prototypes. Tractors and Agricultural Machines. (6), 26–29. Available: (Accessed 4 March 2023) (in Russian).

5. Typical Norms of Time for the Development of Design Documentation (1991). Moscow, Economy Publ. 45.

6. Typical Norms of Time for the Development of Technological Documentation (1988). Moscow, Economy Publ. 76.

7. Petukhov A. V. (2022) Information Support of Computer-Aided Process Planning System of Prototypes of Structurally Complex Products. Informatics. 19 (4), 68−81. Available: (Accessed 4 March 2023) (in Russian).

8. Petukhov A. V. (2002) Universal Transition Generation Scheme. Technological System Engineering. Proceedings of the First International Electronic Scientific and Technical Conference. 294–296. Available: (Accessed 4 March 2023) (in Russian).


For citations:

Petukhov A.V. Interface of the Automated System for Technological Preparation for the Production of Prototypes of Structurally Complex Products. Digital Transformation. 2023;29(3):82-88. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)