Transformation of Public-Private Partnership in Education Under the Influence of Digitization Processes
The introduction of digital technologies into the educational process has led to significant changes in the interaction of the state and private business in education. The article examines the transformation of the mechanism of public-private partnership in education under the influence of digitalization processes. Two stages of interaction are distinguished: in the implementation of the traditional educational process and the educational process in the context of the introduction of digital technologies. The methodological basis of the study were scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors, open library Internet resources, data from international organizations and international studies.
About the Author
I. A. PaliakovaBelarus
Paliakova Iryna Anatolievna, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Agrobiznges
210026, Vitebsk, 1st Dovatora St., 7/11
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For citations:
Paliakova I.A. Transformation of Public-Private Partnership in Education Under the Influence of Digitization Processes. Digital Transformation. 2024;30(4):33-41. (In Russ.)