
Digital Transformation

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No 3 (2018)
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5-13 5294
The article is devoted to a complex research of the topical issues affecting scope of digital transformation of the industry. The reveals the economic content of digital transformation of the industry as the processes of digital transformation of production management by introducing technical and technological means of global megatrends, characteristic for the fourth industrial revolution, and the author also examines the economic aspects of digital transformation of the industry that affect the economic growth of the country as a whole. Based on the results of previous research, the author systematizes the main goals of digital transformation of industrial enterprises, reveals the prospects for the introduction of technical and technological means of global megatrends, characteristic of the fourth industrial revolution, as well as the influence of the institutional environment on the intensity of digital transformation of industry, transformation of industrial production. The article analyzes the existing models of digital transformation of industry as possible standards for digital transformation of an industrial enterprise and suggests an integration model of end-to-end digital transformation of industry based on matrix and industry models that will allow to build an inter-industry digital network in a digital economy. In accordance with the adopted digital agendas of the Republic of Belarus and the EEC, the proposed model is based on the end-to-end interaction between all participants in the value chains of industrial products, which are equally involved in production and economic planning, management, control of the creation and implementation of industrial high-tech products.
14-19 3152
The article is dedicated to the issues of effective universities transformation into centers of advanced science and innovative entrepreneurship within the framework of the concept «University 3.0». There is grounded the necessity of a management systems formation of universities scientific and innovative development, which allow revealing resources and methods for an effective scientific and innovative potential reproduction. The article was prepared within the framework of scientific research aimed at the scientific and technical support of the Ministry of Education activity: «Improving the management model of scientific and innovative development of subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus higher education institutions and scientific organizations» (State Registration No. 20170270).
20-26 1606
The role of digital transformation in the general picture of the formation of the digital space of EAEU is analyzed. The main world trends, which testify to the process of introduction of digital technologies in the customs sphere, are also highlighted. It is given the assessment of the existence of such trends in EAEU as the development of preliminary information, electronic declaration (including automatic release of goods), the mechanism of "Single Window". The model of the process of automatic customs clearance is proposed. The main emphasis is put on the development of digital trading platforms based on Single Window systems. The examples of construction of digital platforms providing the concept of continuous paperless trade are considered. The leading role of the Integrated Information System of EAEU was noted as the basis of the digital platform in the construction of the digital space of EAEU. Intensive development and implementation of the national Single Window systems in the EAEU member states were proposed as necessary elements for the full operation of the Integrated Information System, as well as the unification of information resources in the customs sphere into the single digital trading platform of EAEU.
27-33 3072
The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of commercialization of the innovations in the Republic of Belarus. The author analyzes the experience of European countries in the field of innovative development, as well as highlights a number of advantages received by the countries of the European Union. Also in the article are listed the normative legal documents defining the process of commercialization of innovations in the Republic of Belarus. The goal of improving the process of commercializing the results of scientific activity is to increase the competitiveness of the national economy, increase the number of scientific research proposed for financing, and accelerate the process of innovative development of the state. The author considers the benefits that states receive in the effective implementation of the process of commercialization of innovations. The article also draws attention to problems in the field of innovation development infrastructure. Conclusions were drawn with an emphasis on problem issues in the field of commercialization of innovations.
34-45 4064
An important factor influencing the effective transition to an information society is the access of the population to information and communication technologies, both from a technical point of view (for example, the possibility of accessing the Internet from home, the development of new generation communication networks — LTE, 4G, 5G) as well as from the knowledge point of view. It is necessary to achieve a certain level of knowledge and skills in the field of ICT, i.e. it is necessary to understand how exactly the existing technical capabilities can be used. As cyberspace captures more and more in our lives, the role of knowledge and skills in the field of information security (IS) also increases. The article highlights the results of a study conducted at the Department of Management at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, which tasks included assessing the knowledge and skills of the population of the Republic of Belarus in the field of ICT, in particular, in the field of information security.


46-52 1525
The article is devoted to the formation of a modern educational space. The reasons for the phenomenon DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, No 3 (4), 2018 47 of digitalization of the education system are analyzed. The characteristics of regulatory and legal provision in the field of information and communication technologies at the international level are given, problems of development and improvement of the quality of electronic educational resources are revealed. In addition, the article considers the structure of the information and educational environment created in the Republic of Belarus, including aspects that go beyond the didactics and management of educational processes. Developed proposals for improving the single information and educational environment, based on the principles of standardization and increased participation in the activities of international organizations.
53-58 1940
The article considers the practical experience of mixed teaching first-year students the programming framework on the use of distance learning tool system DL.GSU.BY developed at the GSU. The main factors of increasing the intensity and quality of the learning process are illustrated: the integration of theory and practice, automated personalized learning, automatic knowledge testing, support and encouragement of independent work, automatic permanent visualization of the score sheet.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)