
Digital Transformation

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No 4 (2018)
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5-15 2408

The article considers the issues of formation and maintenance of an integrated information management system in the education sector, as well as the development of e-education on the example of the Republic of Estonia — a regional and one of the world leaders in the field of digital transformation of education. The history and specificity of the information system in the Estonian education sector (EHIS) is analyzed in the context of the development of e-government technologies. The principles for the processes of collecting, processing and analyzing information in the education sector in Estoniaare presented, the expanded analytical capabilities of the information system containing personal data of various categories of participants in the educational process are described. The issues of ensuring confidentiality and integrity of information based on digital signature and blockchain technology are considered. The economic and social effect of the implementation of an integrated information system in the education sector has been revealed. The structure of e-learning services in Estoniaand their role in providing digital transformation of the education system are considered. As a result of the analysis of the Estonian experience in the formation of an integrated information system in the education sector, as well as the development of e-education services, scientifically based recommendations for the modernization of the education system of the Republicof Belarushave been developed.

16-26 3932

The article is dedicated to the study the digitization of designing question. Authors reveal the information technologies role in the NTCK JSC “Gomselmash” activity as a Design Centre of the large machine-building factory of the Republicof Belarusand analyze influences of modern designing methods on the factory competitive recovery. The 3D designing and the control system of the product life (PLM-system) value at designing and statement on manufacture new agricultural machinery samples have been discovered in this article. On the basis of practical application, the modern program of 3D designing Creo Parametric and control systems of the product life Windchill which provides a teamwork of designers groups, positive changes in agricultural machines development and prototypes manufacturing were noted, and also conditions for the further advancing of methodology «the Industry 4.0» ware marked out. According to authors, the major factors defining the factory success, its authority in the market and competitive recovery are its staff potential, readiness of the staff to change and incipient problems resolve in modern conditions. Used actions on professional skill improvement of employees in the factory scales and measures on formation of sensitive to innovations corporative mentality are described in the article. In this article it is noted, that the next problem within the limits of JSC “Gomselmash” on a way of the concept «the Industry 4.0» development is a full integration on the basis of one informational platform not only various program systems, but also corporate data, and also guarantee of operative interacting between various divisions of holding. Authors mark out main development directions of information NTCK and other JSC “Gomselmash” divisions.

27-43 4281

The article analyzes the current global economic and technological trends affecting the transformation of the labor market and the formation of new socio-economic relations in the development of the digital economy. The author draws attention to the changing nature of work and forms of work, requirements for professional skills and abilities. It is shown how changes related to the digitalization of the economy directly affect the issues of training and retraining of the most soughtafter specialists. Two forecast scenarios for the digital future labor market are presented. The excerpts from the latest reports of authoritative international economic organizations and well-known consulting agencies are given.


44-55 7228

The article discusses the features of distributed ledger technology based on the use of decentralized peer-topeer networks. The history of the emergence and development of distributed ledger technology considered in detail, the prerequisites for the growth of its popularity in various fields are analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of distributed ledger technology in general, as well as decentralized (permissionless) and exclusive (permitted) blockchain platforms in particular, are revealed. The principles of functioning of cryptocurrencies on the basis of blockchain technology, including their issue (coinage) are described. The state of blockchain technologies from the point of view of technology maturity is considered. The main trends in the development of blockchain technology at the present stage are revealed. An analysis of the possibilities of using distributed ledger technology of public administration, including in the education system, in order to improve the safety and automation of functions is presented.

56-60 4515

Nowadays distance learning exists in various modifications. This article discusses an alternative technology of distance learning in the educational institution “BSEU”, which is to organize a rhythmic educational process with constant contact of students and teachers. The proposed technology is implemented with students on the basis of the first higher education with a shortened period of study. The material describes in detail the stages of design of the educational process and the stage of its practical implementation with students of speciality 1 24 01 02 “Law” and 101 07 “Economics and management of the enterprise”. The described technology allows in practice to provide a weekly controlled educational process in the intersessional period, which leads to an increase in the quality of performance of students compared to part-time students, as well as a decrease in the duration of the session and reduce the cost of learning.


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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)