
Digital Transformation

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No 2 (2019)
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5-12 2051
Methods for decision making as semi-structured goals which based on creation of linguistic model are considered in this article. Pattern of fuzzy model system is presented. Creation fuzzy model for project quality with substantive interpretation for input (projector experience, universality, projector error bar, project complexity, quality of basic data, engineering time) and output (project error) variables is reported in main body. Rule blokes are indicated to estimate output variable. The first rule bloke – projector rating- consists of 36 fuzzy rules that help taking into account quality of projector’s work. The second rule bloke consists of 81 fuzzy rules. Fuzzy model and surfaces of fuzzy inference are created in fuzzyTECH 5.54d. In the capacity of defuzzification method is used method of the best compromise. Obtained results point at capital saving due to inventory decrease on basis of analysis of project quality.
13-28 4812
A study was conducted of the readiness of the population of Belarus for economic behavior in the e-health market. It is believed that there is a low awareness of the possibilities of using services and goods provided by the population, as well as of the experience in obtaining data and services. Lack of alternative e-health, the possibility of learning to receive services, guaranteed security of data transmission.
29-35 6402
The article analyzes the best practices of the Belarusian National Technical University on the development of an innovation environment by the example of establishing high-tech medical production. The system-forming elements, factors and mechanism for the improvement of the innovation environment of a higher education institution operating on the «University 3.0» model base are highlighted. The missions, functions, promising technologies and formats for the implementation of educational, research and entrepreneurial activities as subsystems of the internal innovation environment of a higher education institution and directions of interaction with the external innovation environment subsystems (government regulation, financing facility and the market) are considered. The article based on a systematic approach shows the specificity of the effective innovation environment which is manifested in synergy of its elements interaction. The mechanism ensuring functional coordination between all the «University 3.0» activities and the external environment subjects in order to achieve a common mission have been proposed


36-45 7208
The article deals with the development of human society under the conditions of change of the final technological pattern existing before the 4th industrial revolution. The change is associated with the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) as one of the catalysts of sustainable progress in the development of social and industrial relations in the modern society. It is stated that progress in the field of industrial relations and technologies developing conformity with the exponential law. At the same time, according to the law, the so-called point of technological singularity appears on the time scale of the development when the development path of what is referred to as machine intelligence becomes unpredictable. Various behavior scenarios and the use of artificial intelligence (AI), including its machine learning tools employed for the adverse purposes of enslaving human society, are considered. However, recent studies of mathematicians prove that the possibilities of AI are not unlimited. Like the human mind, AI is limited by the paradoxes of the theory of sets. In this regard, in the development and application of ICT, it is necessary to implement the integrated level of ICT fusion with the evolutionary development of personality and society that would not lead to the suppression of the human thought process by the services of technocratic means.
46-52 2897
The given paper considers application of data mining technology in scientific research as one of intellectual analysis methods in the domain field of e-Government. The topicality of the issue is stipulated by the current absence of the researches of the kind in the Republic of Belarus. The paper illustrates how the programme package Rapid Miner and the language R have been applied in text mining. Concept indexing has been admitted as the most resultative form of analyzing domain field ontologies. Formal and linguistic approaches are found most effective in analyzing domain field ontologies. The paper identifies the problems of word redundancy and word polysemy. The prognosis for the further research investigation is in interconnectivity of specialized ontologies studying heterogeneous terms on the basis of artificial intelligence (AI).
53-59 5263
This paper presents a variant of using an artificial neural network (ANN) for adaptive learning. The main idea of using ANN is to apply it for a specific educational material, so that after completing the course or its separate topic, the student can determine, not only his level of knowledge, without the teacher’s participation, but also get some recommendations on what material needs to be studied further due to gaps in the studied issues. This approach allows you to build an individual learning trajectory, significantly reduce the time to study academic disciplines and improve the quality of the educational process. The training of an artificial neural network takes place according to the method of back propagation of an error. The developed ANN can be applied to study any academic discipline with a different number of topics and control questions. The research results are implemented and tested in the CATS adaptive training system. This system is the author's development.
60-68 4094
Applicability of neural nets in time series forecasting has been considered and researched. For this, training of neural network on various time series with preliminary selection of optimal hyperparameters has been performed. Comparative analysis of received neural networking forecasting model with linear regression has been performed. Conditions, affecting on accuracy and stability of results of the neural network, have been revealed.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)