
Digital Transformation

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No 3 (2020)
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5-16 2988

Based on the analysis of the theory and practice of modern digital transformation, approaches and the concept of the content of an advanced training course in information culture (in modern conditions - digital culture) are offered for students of economic specialties. The place and role of the general culture and information culture, as its component, in the modern digital economy are determined and the conceptual structure of the training course on information culture for economic specialties is proposed, taking into account the features of the digital economy and new opportunities to improve the efficiency of the use of information systems and the formation of information resources.

Unlike existing courses, when digital culture is understood as “creating an environment in which managers recognize the important role of technology for business, ensure the availability of information and train employees for the most comfortable and efficient use of technological tools”, the article substantiates the need to understand the natural harmony of complex self-organization information systems.In relation to economic specialties, the essence of the proposed concept of the training course is in-depth Understanding by students of the essence of modern information (digital) culture as an institution of creating conditions for economic agents to use the capabilities of modern information (digital) ecosystems for the effective interaction of individuals and enterprises and their accelerated adaptation to technological innovations.

Based on the concept, the structure of the course is proposed, which includes four blocks of topics studied: the nature and role of culture in the economy; digital transformation and digital economy; the basics of website content generation and data visualization; approaches to assessing the effectiveness of information and digital culture.

17-30 3064
This article describes international experience in the area of setup and development of accelerators as the source of innovations, including innovations in the sphere of digital economy. This research also presents main characteristics of accelerators, their classification and main differences from business-incubators. It also includes analysis of main activity indicators of leading accelerators in the world, based on the data of Global Accelerator Network, as well as ranking of different types of accelerators. There is also analysis of the current situation in Belarus with accelerators, including main problems as well as recommendations on further development.
31-38 4188
The article examines the startup ecosystem and identifies its characteristics which determine the effectiveness and success of startups - the main producing elements of the system. The author points out the differences between startups and other small business entities, highlights their strengths and weaknesses, justifies the need to consider them within the ecosystems. The author identifies the micro and macro levels of the startup ecosystem which depend on the nature of the impact on startups. At the same time the article focuses on the development of the ecosystem itself, the factors that influence it are highlighted. The analysis of the elements of the startup ecosystem is carried out, the requirements for them are described, based on the results of the study is proposed a theoretical model of the startup ecosystem. The main characteristics of startups in the ecosystem are highlighted. The nature of relations with organizations and events providing startups with resources - the micro level of the ecosystem are described. A detailed assessment of the role of micro-level elements and their characteristics is given. The proposed model can be used to assess the level of development of a particular ecosystem, search for bottlenecks and problems of its functioning, and develop recommendations for creating and developing a startup ecosystem.
39-44 3137
The purpose of the article is to show the possibilities of using blockchain in logistics. In the modern world, digital technologies are used in various fields including logistics. An important achievement of modernity is blockchain. Initially, its using was related to the field of cryptocurrencies, in particular, bitcoin. Based on analysis the article reflected the essence of the blockchain, features of its functioning, marked advantages and disadvantages. The directions of using blockchain in logistics are highlighted.
45-50 2918
The article is devoted to a targeted analysis of promising displacements in the guiding ideas of managing internal banking risks. Based on the study, the author proposes to intensify the introduction of digital technologies in banking practice based on: artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining.
51-57 14180
The article reveals the system of functioning of payment services as a financial institution, the emergence and development of which is due to scientific and technical progress at the present stage of development and considering the impact of globalization. This tool occupies an increasingly high share of the financial sphere, but due to the novelty of electronic systems, this topic is currently little studied. The article considers the latest developments that allow you to make instant payments conveniently and safely. The problems and ways of protecting user identification, data privacy and money safety when using electronic payment services are investigated. The study revealed that, along with innovative global developments, to strengthen the electronic payment system, it is necessary to implement common international standards for combating cybercrime.
58-70 3066
The article considers the importance of entrepreneurship development both for the region and for the country as a whole. The relevance of digitalization in Belarus is described. Some results of a questionnaire survey conducted with the participation of the author of small and medium-sized businesses of the Vitebsk region to study problems and necessary directions of regional entrepreneurship development were analyzed, carried out within the framework of the international technical assistance project. The necessity and prerequisites of creating a digital platform within which the management bodies interact with entrepreneurs are justified. The main goals of digital business platform creation, its ecosystem and main functions are presented, the conclusion on expediency of business platform functioning is made.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)