
Digital Transformation

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Vol 28, No 2 (2022)
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5-13 3452

The success of any modern company is largely determined by its focus on development, innovation becomes an integral part of its activities. The choice of innovative development’s direction is predetermined by the potential it has, and therefore it is extremely important to understand the essence of this definition. The article considers the essence and content of the concept of “innovation potential”. Common approaches to its definition and evaluation methods are highlighted, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The author’s interpretation of the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise is proposed and a new method of its assessment is presented. The significance of this article lies in the today’s absence of such a methodology for assessing the innovation potential. Unlike the existing ones, the new methodology proposed by the author allows to take into account different degrees of influence of structural indicators on the resulting one due to the presence of weighting coefficients; to minimize the subjectivity factor when scoring; to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the company’s condition through a comprehensive assessment of indicators, the structural components of which have different measurement values; to determine the prospects based on the dynamics of indicators and to form strategies for the company’s development.

14-22 3746

The development of new technologies in the field of finance (fintech) creates new opportunities and ways to carry out economic activity. One of these tools is blockchain and technologies created on its basis. One of the most famous of such tools is the process of issuing and selling digital coins (tokens), called Initial coin offering (ICO). The ICO process is often mistakenly viewed as a simpler and faster alternative to the classic IPO procedure. However, these procedures have more differences than similarities. This article provides a detailed comparison of IPO and ICO in terms of a number of key parameters, key similarities and differences from the point of view of both the investor and the issuer. At the end, there are recommendations for choosing an instrument depending on the goals of the investor and the issuer.

23-32 1482

The paper discusses the significance of a company's values, factors of their formation in the Belarusian context as well as the use of the analytical tool Rep:grid for their analysis. The purpose of the study is to identify, what companies’ values pre-condition the success of Belarusian export-oriented manufacturing companies by applying the repertoire grid technique. The paper presents the analysis of 20 structured interviews with company owners. The obtained results demonstrate that their success is based on such organizational values as efficiency, orientation to the global market, and engagement with customers.


33-42 8744

An analysis of the main approaches to the design of information education systems is presented. The basics of designing information education systems (IES) are considered, taking into account the modern requirements of digital transformation. The principles of designing the IES are formulated, the basic requirements for the IES are developed, the types of activities that are planned to be carried out in electronic (digital) form are described. The authors show that the expected results from the introduction of the IES will affect all participants in the educational process, however, for each of these participants, these effects will be different. Models for designing the IES in the form of an infological model, a datalogical model, a physical model are proposed. Additionally, a model for designing the IES when teaching a particular discipline, as well as a model for constructing ER-diagrams, were considered. At the same time, the IES is a complex task and it should solve the problems of managing the educational process, automate, and optimize it.

43-51 6453

The need to implement balancing of the video conferencing service (VCS) when used in educational processes is shown. The structure of building a VCS with a load balancer is considered. A computer experiment is being conducted on the VCS. Based on the results of a computer experiment, graphs were generated for the selected BigBlueButton VCS with a load balancer. The graphs of the load on the hardware components of the virtual server at three stages of testing for the central processor, RAM, and network interfaces both within the service and in the structure of the local computer network are given. The results of the analysis of graphs are described in order to identify the key features of the operation of the video conferencing service with a load balancer. The most loaded hardware components of the virtual server are determined. The problems of service operation with the chosen balancing algorithm are formulated.

52-60 2156

In recent years, interest in digital image processing has increased significantly, so it is no coincidence that digital processing is one of the intensively developed areas of research. When working with a computer system, a rather important factor is the high-quality display of images, as a result of which the methods of processing and improving images are no less important factors, which are not only responsible for the highquality display of the image, but also allow to increase the visibility of interesting details in the image. Today it is quite difficult to find an application or a web application with a simple and user-friendly interface, as well as with relatively low characteristics in terms of energy consumption needed to supply the operating system and the device in general. This article presents new algorithms that improve the efficiency of image processing by reducing application loading and processing time, as well as by reducing the load on the operating system.

61-69 1257

The article is devoted to the creation of a method for generating anthropomorphic brain models based on magnetic resonance imaging. The selection of the magnetic field amplitude for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is carried out through modeling using the finite element method (FEM). These FEM models graphically demonstrate information on the distribution of the magnetic field and, therefore, on the occurring neurophysiological and behavioral changes based on the dose of the TMS, the specific resistance of the head tissue and its anatomy. Thus, these models are an integral tool used to design, configure, and program TMS devices, as well as to study parameters such as magnetic field strength and tension. A distinctive aspect of this work is the quality of the resulting head models. When creating the calculated FEM models, an MRI image of the head was used to perform segmentation in the FreeSurfer environment. Next, the image was converted in the Matlab environment. After the assembly of the head model in COMSOL Multiphysics, the TMS was simulated. The results of the transformations is a head model made in the form of a three-dimensional grid, which is suitable for modeling. The obtained data can be used to personalize the TMS method in medicine.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)