
Digital Transformation

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Vol 28, No 4 (2022)
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5-11 770

Aspects of successful application of distance learning technologies are introduced. It is stated that for their effectiveness, modern educational material must have methodical, pedagogical and technological authorship. When misused, the wide range of remote technologies can cause deficiencies that reduce the effectiveness of educational systems and reduce the motivation for their use.

12-17 447

Intelligent learning systems traditionally consist of three main components: a student model, which is a block with information about the student; a model of the learning process that sets the form for presenting information to the student and the type of quality assessment of the student’s activity; the model interface as a link between the expert block of the intelligent learning system and other learning algorithms in the components of educational systems. These parts are integral elements in their work on the formation of knowledge bases, learning strategies, assessment procedures, as well as in organizing interaction between the system and users. The paper considers the problem of finding an objective function when setting up a learning system by introducing the possibility of strengthening an ensemble of hypotheses using a learning function, the set of values of which is formed on the basis of the weighted costs of the initial hypotheses, taking into account their own weights and the results of the classification of the corresponding examples.

18-27 468

The paper is devoted to the problem of managing the processes of digital transformation of production and logistics systems. The objective of the article is to describe the methodology for creating a comprehensive program for digital transformation of systems. In contrast to existing studies, the article presents solutions to methodological aspects of creating a transformation program based on optimal design of complex systems. The order of program development and the logical sequence of decisions are determined. The necessity of applying system and continuous engineering as well as Agile design methodology in the formation of programs and projects of digital transformation of the production and logistics system is revealed. The main results of the study were methodological approaches to creating a digital transformation program. The paper describes the procedure for developing a comprehensive digital transformation program. The stages of development and the content of work on the analysis, strategic and calendar planning of activities of the integrated program of digital transformation of the production and logistics system are shown. The scope of the proposed solutions: digital transformation management, production development management, design of production and logistics systems.

28-35 425

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of blockchain technology in terms of its application in the economy. The emphasis is on the impact of this technology on the advertising market. In the course of the study, the main features and tasks of blockchain systems were identified, as well as the actions of large companies on their implementation were analyzed. The consider the relevance of the research object, which is dictated by the ever-increasing role of cryptocurrency assets and processes in the modern world. The blockchain technology is studied, the economic justification of its introduction into the ongoing advertising campaigns as a means of improving the information communication process is given. The features of the functioning of systems related to cryptocurrencies, as well as the pros and cons of decentralized data storage technology are analyzed. The main problems that arise when using blockchain technology are described and ways to solve them are proposed. The definitions of a number of categories of the subject area have been clarified. Recommendations are given for the effective functioning of advertising campaigns in the field of digital marketing.

36-42 821

The development of scientific and technological progress contributed to the formation of the so-called digital economy. The transformations affected, among other things, the monetary, financial and investment spheres. The emergence of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has expanded the list of investment assets. Today, not only independent investment is relevant, but also digital investment solutions are to be taken into account. One of the modern types of investments is investments in cryptocurrency mining. This article examines investments in the mining of one of the most famous cryptocurrencies - bitcoin. The difference between digital and cryptocurrency is clarified, the main sources of cryptocurrency are considered, the main attention is paid to mining. The study determines the profitability of bitcoin mining and compares the profitability of investing in bitcoin mining with the profitability of investing a similar amount of resources in a bank deposit.

43-52 1355

E-commerce is one of the highly digitalized industries, which quickly changes the way people buy products and use companies’ services. There are many countries in the world economy now that are trying to adapt informational and communication technologies in various industries to stay competitive and use nowadays’ benefits of the Internet, etc. The article considers the e-commerce in China – global leader in the industry. The content of the Chinese e-commerce development foundation, as well as its characteristic features and trends are described. Moreover, recommendations on e-commerce development are given, in particular, for the Republic of Belarus. The novelty of the research conducted lies in the fact that it is the first in the Belarusian practice, which is based on a large array of factual data, and reflects comprehensive analysis of the current state of the Chinese e-commerce, the prerequisites for its rapid development over the past decade and its prospects in the foreseeable future.

53-61 401

Automation of technological design in the implementation of course and diploma projects sets the task of creating and introducing into the higher educational process the necessary systems capable of working with large amounts of information stored in structured databases. This task becomes much more difficult when developing course and diploma projects during a pandemic. The difficulty lies in the fact that one have to work not in the local network of the university but support remote work with students who are at their place of residence via the Internet using client-server technology. At the same time, the mode of authorization of each user and reliable storage of intermediate and final design results should be supported. Experience of using the T-FLEX system:the Technology integrated into the T-FLEX DOC’s electronic document management system is considered on the example of designing a technological process for machining a specific part. The stages of technological design are consistently described.


62-71 433

The paper deals with the construction and design of devices operating by the method of resonance-reflectometric location to discover covert radio devices. The main stages of designing a prototype device operating by the method of resonance-reflectometric location are described. The materials of the analysis of modern types of SDR receivers and their main characteristics are presented. The choice of the SDR transceiver type based on the DDC technology (direct down conversion with frequency) is substantiated, in which the task to digitize the signal from the antenna is performed by the FTP with a high sampling rate. The results of the prototype device studies based on the SDR transceivers to search for covert radio devices are presented. The experimental results confirmed that the characteristics of modern SDR transceivers such as speed, sensitivity, and operating frequency bandwidth is fully consistent with the requirements for the design of resonant-reflectometer locator.

72-79 354

A software module that allows interactive demonstration of maze routing algorithms for tracing printed conductors, which, during their operation, use a grid representation of a discrete working space of a printed circuit board has been developed. The main difference between the developed module and the software of similar purpose is the possibility of step-by-step annotated execution of various algorithms for tracing printed conductors with the possibility of changing the order of routing user-specified conductors. The interrelation of algorithms for finding the shortest paths on graphs and algorithms for tracing printed conductors and the influence of the order of making connections between pairs of contact pads on the length of printed electrical connections are considered. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the wave algorithm (Lee algorithm) and the heuristic algorithm A* was carried out with a description of their step-by-step operation. The use of the development is justified when giving lectures and conducting laboratory research on the theoretical foundations of automation systems for the design of radio electronic equipment and contributes to solving the complex problem of digitalization of the educational process with the help of visualization programs that allow you to observe the results of the algorithms they implement on various sets of initial data.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)