
Digital Transformation

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No 1 (2015)
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37-47 1823

The paper presents the algorithm of "white" optimization of the website and its implementation. The algorithm solves the problem of optimization of web applications, without special services of specialists. On the basis of this algorithm it is realized the system, which provides recommendations for optimization of the web application in automated mode.

48-60 1875

This article discusses the use of G.Kelly’s technique of the repertory grid for the task of evaluating the quality of educational services. This technique allows to develop of interviewing technique that promotes a deeper analysis of the characteristics of the educational services, and to receive more complete and accurate information from respondents. On the basis of the received data the various methods are offered for the visualization: charts and graphs, cluster analysis, factor analysis.

61-73 2879

The paper presents an approach for university scheduling based on precedents. The model is based on the mathematical apparatus of the theory of graphs. The model uses the principles of finding and proof of the graph isomorphism. The process of finding of the graph isomorphism described in terms of relational algebra. Experimental studies showed expediency of this approach using in the preparation of the real schedule, as well as the possibility of reducing the dimension of the  NP-complete problem approximately 38.5%.

74-82 846

At present, a teacher has access to a wide range of tools for training with use of e-learning technologies: distance learning systems, a variety of synchronous and asynchronous means of interaction, electronic library systems and others. However, the existence of the teacher access to a variety of IT-services does not mean unconditional positive results towards the realization of the goals and objectives of education. In the article it is described pedagogically grounded approach to the teaching of a particular discipline (on the example of еру discipline "Life Safety") in the terms of use of e-learning technologies.



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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)