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Sales Channels Digital Maturity Evaluation of Belarusian Business Entities


Based on the developed methodology, the level of digital maturity of sales channels of Belarusian business entities at the national level was assessed. This made it possible to identify the level of digitalization of Belarusian distribution networks both in general and in the context of the selected components (“marketing and sales”, “logistics and after-sales service”, “payments”, “data management”). Digitalization of sales channels is at stage of the standardization with the gradual introduction of digital technologies into the processes of goods distribution. As for the components “logistics and after-sales service” and “data management”, their level of digitalization is characterized by the introduction and start of using basic digital technologies (adaptation stage). Based on the assessment results, the main points of application of efforts on the part of the government were determined, which will allow developing a competent state policy on the digital transformation of trade.

About the Author

A. M. Aksenevich
The Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Aksenevich Anna Mikhailovna, Researcher at the Sector of Macroeconomic Dynamics Analysis of the Monitoring of Socio-Economic Development Department
220072, Minsk, Surganava St., 1, Build. 2


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For citations:

Aksenevich A.M. Sales Channels Digital Maturity Evaluation of Belarusian Business Entities. Digital Transformation. 2024;30(4):5-11. (In Russ.)

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