
Digital Transformation

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No 2 (2018)
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5-18 4724
The article considers the problem of assessing the level of development in the country of the digital economy with the help of international ICT ratings, their shortcomings are analyzed. Based on the methods studied, the original rating system for evaluating the development of the digital economy has been formed, including 22 indicators, combined into five subindexes. The developed method for assessing the effectiveness of ICT use in various fields of activity has been tested in some countries of the EAEC and the EU. Based on the results of the analysis, the main problem areas were identified, which should be addressed to ensure the growth of Belarus indicators in the world ICT ratings.
19-28 6390
The article proposes a methodology that can be used to study the intellectual component of the e-economy system, under which the author understands the knowledge, abilities and skills of the population that are at the disposal of this system, as well as the system of their acquisition, storage and transfer that can be used to achieve the goals of the existence and development of this system. The proposed methodology is based on the study of skills in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and behavioral features of the population of the Republic of Belarus in the e-economy environment, which means the need of conducting a sociological survey. The article also proposes a methodology for justifying a sample population for carrying out such research. Results of the research conducted by the author on the level and frequency of use of computer devices and the Internet by the population of Belarus are presented, as well as factors influencing these characteristics of the development of the intellectual component of the e-economy of the Republic of Belarus.
29-36 8023
The article contains the author's presentation of the concept of "digital transformation of the national economy". Various aspects of the digital transformation of the economy are considered. The analysis of key conditions and prerequisites for successful digital transformation of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus is presented. The issues of digitalization of the industrial complex are considered. A set of principles for the digital transformation of the Belarusian economy, which is exhaustive from the point of view of sufficiency for determining the strategy and the organizational and economic mechanism for the implementation of digital transformation, is proposed. The key directions of the digital transformation of the Belarusian economy, covering the development of the corresponding infrastructure, as well as digitalization of the sphere of services and material production, are determined. Different approaches to the organization of digital transformation of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus are proposed, and the issues of determining the authorized state body responsible for its implementation are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the presented approaches are analyzed. Based on the world experience, an algorithm for organizing the digital transformation of the Belarusian economy has been formed, taking into account the existing institutional environment.
37-46 5397
The article substantiates a methodical approach to visualization of forecast data and construc-tion of the upper component of the BPM-complex – information panel. In software implementation of predictive calculations under risk conditions, access to the SAP Business Warehouse repository is performed several times: when creating a model database with the purpose of the initial information aggregation, and after carrying out model calculations on the dashboard and analytics, when KPI values are reached. This method was implemented on LTD «Minsk Margarine Factory». Implementation of the method on real data showed the possibility of prompt selection of controls in the interactive mode with the output to target KPI-indicators, which ensures the imple-mentation of the feedback principle of the system (OLAP and OLTP levels) without using a com-plex mathematical apparatus.
47-53 5856
The article touches upon the topic of using 3D-printing technologies in education. 3D-printing technologies can be used to teach technological skills in engineering and design as the main tool. They also help to reorient attention from the digital or virtual environment to the real world, because as a result of learning activity, not sketches and layouts, but real objects with specified characteristics act. 3D-printing technologies are fast-developing and promising technologies that can find their application in various fields, including in the field of education. These technologies due to the appearance of personal printing devices can facilitate the introduction of new forms of organization of the educational process, increase the motivation and formation of the necessary competencies of graduates and teachers.


54-59 11353
The possibilities of the automated information-analytical system for monitoring the highest qualification scientific personnel training are presented. It is shown that the application of the above system allows to get information about the state of the highest qualification scientific personnel training in the Republic of Belarus, to perform the analysis of the dynamics of the postgraduate education development on a wide range of quantitative and qualitative indicators.
60-64 3829
The analysis of control methods for LED backlighting of display devices is carried out. An analysis of the perception of pulsed light sources by human vision is given. Recommendations are given for choosing the frequency of LED-backlighting, information of visible flickering to the minimum level, the use of a direct current of LED power supply. A combined driver for powering the LED backlight is developed.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)