
Digital Transformation

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Vol 28, No 3 (2022)
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5-14 520

In the article, we consider state digital platforms as mechanisms for the practical implementation of the results of scientific research. The need for closer integration of digital platforms and the existing R&D infrastructure is justified by increasing the efficiency of Belarusian science. Currently, innovations aimed at developing human potential and increasing the economic return from its use are very relevant. We want to achieve the maximum number of such innovations. A unified approach to assessing the dynamics of human potential through the introduction of R&D results is proposed. The unified approach is applied in the typical concept for the development of «Smart Cities» in the Republic of Belarus (2019). The necessity of forming a regional network of intersectoral laboratories and a data bank of standard projects for the digitalization of urban space is substantiated.

15-23 401

Currently, there is a rapid development of digital technologies that determine not only innovative trends in the development of economic entities, but also cause possible synergistic changes in the future. Digitalization of all spheres of the modern socio-economic system leads to the active introduction of innovative developments in our daily lives, but also determines the possible risks. The article uncovers the controversial issues of the digital economy, pays attention to the current state of digital technologies, economic principles and provisions of the formation and features, characteristics of the digital services economy, its capabilities, as well as makes forecasts of the development of digitalization processes in society.

24-34 475

In the current conditions of fierce competition for the customer, the digital transformation of bank business processes has become a necessity. The article represents the results of competitive marketing analysis of the regional banking sector, as well as internal analysis of the regional office of VTB Bank in Kaliningrad. The analysis shows the current business process structures and reveals the potential for digitalization of individual business processes of the bank. The article proposes an approach to reorganize the business process of opening a current account for corporate clients. The proposed approach is based on the analysis of the way the business process is organized, the problems identified, expert assessments of its effectiveness conducted, as well as benchmarking. During the analysis, a field study was conducted, timing of the business process of opening a current account was done, as well as several proposals for the digitalization of one of its stages were made. A framework for the digital transformation of the organization business process was developed. The implementation of proposals for the digitalization of the business process of opening a current account will reduce time cost, optimize the work of the office staff, and will create additional profits. The proposed solution has been submitted to the management of the regional branch of the bank and sent for implementation to the IT-department at the head office of VTB Bank in Moscow.

35-42 364

The authors analyze the relevance of the object of research, which is dictated by the ever-increasing role of competence-based education both at the stage of training at a higher educational institution and in the learning process throughout the professional path of IT specialists. The article is devoted to the specifics of planning and managing the process of creating course projects by future IT specialists during their studies at a higher educational institution. The emphasis in the article is on the aspect that the process of managing the direction of course design is in many ways similar to the process of creating IT products, which undoubtedly needs to be taken into account when determining the difficulties and features of managing the direction of course design of IT specialists. During the research, the main objective and subjective causes of difficulties during the process of creating a course project for students of IT specialties were identified, and ways of leveling them were determined. As a result of the analysis of project management techniques and practices, the critical chain method is identified as an effective tool for managing the planning and implementation of tasks in project activities. The purpose of the study is to study methods and practices in project activities and adapt their features to the practice of developing future IT specialists course projects as mini IT projects with a minimum set of requirements and participants, which can undoubtedly be considered as a mini model of a real IT project. The article analyzes the factors influencing the unfavorable course of execution and completion of course projects, highlights the main artifacts of course design, determines the length of the project buffer by the critical chain method. Based on the results of the study, practical recommendations are given for the effective planning and management of course design of future IT specialists.

43-59 675

The purpose of the scientific study was to develop practical tools to improve the efficiency of promoting websites of the regions of the Republic of Belarus using the methodology of comparative analysis with the socalled “reference” websites of the districts, i.e. with those districts whose websites are well indexed in search engines, and are also well accessible to all interested parties. The Postavy district was taken as the study area, and the Braslav district was taken as the “reference district”. As a result of applying the methodology, an algorithm for SEO optimization of the website of the Postavy district was developed based on a comparative analysis of the online promotion technology of the Braslav district. As a result, a list of recommendations was developed for SEO-optimization of a website representing Postavy district tourism in order to increase indexing and visibility for users on the Internet.


60-64 396

The paper presents the results of research on the assessment of the security risks of speech information. It is shown that for speech information circulating in an acoustic form in a room, the main indicator of security is confidentiality. Confidentiality is determined by an indicator equal to 1, when complete confidentiality of speech information is provided, and an indicator equal to 0, when information has lost confidentiality, there are no intermediate values of this indicator. It is shown that the loss of confidentiality of speech information can occur due to the implementation of at least one of the possible threats. Methods for assessing the security risks of speech information are considered. For speech information, security risks consist of the risks of leakage through acoustic channels outside the security area of the room and the risks associated with the human factor, since the carrier of speech information is also a person. The risks associated with the leakage of speech information through acoustic channels are considered in details. The mechanism for ensuring zero risk of leakage of speech information through the acoustic channel is considered and specific recommendations for its implementation are given.

65-72 410

The problems of ensuring the security of information resources in the Republic of Belarus are considered. The necessity of application is determined and the types of information security units to ensure the protection of information resources are considered. The basic principles of creating a corporate-level information security unit are highlighted. The tasks and the main composition of the corporate information security unit are determined, and the methodology for calculating its structure is proposed. The load on analysts of the first and second levels from the team of the corporate information security unit was calculated. The ratio of the number of analysts of the first and second levels in the team is calculated and the sizes of the protected information resources is determined with the help of the corporate-level information security unit. The structure of the corporate information security unit is proposed and the modes of its operation are considered.

73-81 401

The new coronavirus infection has caused the death and injury of millions of people and animals. The pandemic has shown the shortcomings of the health care systems of even the most economically developed countries. Genomics and bioinformatics provide an opportunity to obtain, study and analyze the genomic texts of microbes, coronaviruses in particular. The article presents the results of the analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes from patients in Belarus and (for comparison) in Russia. Genomic profiling was performed to identify and statistically analyze clusters and lines of transmission of the new coronavirus infection, in accordance with the proposed classifications of COVID-19 clades. The information on the assessment of the quality of the initial data are reported, the visualization of the results obtained is made and graphically presented. The dominant clades-clusters in Belarus and Russia are B.1 (“Basel cluster”) and B.1.1. Both have European-British geographical distribution

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)