
Digital Transformation

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Vol 30, No 4 (2024)
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5-11 170

Based on the developed methodology, the level of digital maturity of sales channels of Belarusian business entities at the national level was assessed. This made it possible to identify the level of digitalization of Belarusian distribution networks both in general and in the context of the selected components (“marketing and sales”, “logistics and after-sales service”, “payments”, “data management”). Digitalization of sales channels is at stage of the standardization with the gradual introduction of digital technologies into the processes of goods distribution. As for the components “logistics and after-sales service” and “data management”, their level of digitalization is characterized by the introduction and start of using basic digital technologies (adaptation stage). Based on the assessment results, the main points of application of efforts on the part of the government were determined, which will allow developing a competent state policy on the digital transformation of trade.

12-22 104

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of existing electronic trading platforms in the world. It characterizes business models of cooperation between sellers and operators of such Internet platforms in the field of marketing research, sales methods, promotion tools, forms of payment and logistics. Based on modern trends in the use of marketplace functionality, a number of classification criteria are proposed. Among them: the range of the object of purchase and sale, the possibility of resale of goods, the region of location of buyers, the choice of the organizational and legal status of the marketplace, the participation of the marketplace in the process of selling goods, business models of working with the marketplace, payment methods, the possibility of integrating the marketplace with other Internet resources, the conditions for registering buyers and sellers. The obstacles to activating sales of Belarusian enterprises on marketplaces are identified, recommendations for their elimination are offered.

23-32 143

The article considers the possibility of using big data technologies and large language models to analyze the labor market in the Republic of Belarus. Theoretical approaches using big data have been developed, which implies determining both the possibility of conducting labor market analytics using online sources and effective tools for collecting and processing information on the labor market from online sources. The use of big data and large language models will improve the quality and accuracy of labor market analysis in the republic, and the use of advanced analytical tools will provide a more complete and detailed understanding of the labor market dynamics. The study is based on the analysis of existing theoretical approaches, the practice of using big data and large language models in foreign countries, as well as an assessment of the current capabilities and limitations of using these technologies in Belarus. Machine learning, big data analysis and modeling were used as tools. The results of the study can be used to improve labor market management strategies, as well as to develop employment policies and programs focused on modern challenges and opportunities of the digital economy.

33-41 145

The introduction of digital technologies into the educational process has led to significant changes in the interaction of the state and private business in education. The article examines the transformation of the mechanism of public-private partnership in education under the influence of digitalization processes. Two stages of interaction are distinguished: in the implementation of the traditional educational process and the educational process in the context of the introduction of digital technologies. The methodological basis of the study were scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors, open library Internet resources, data from international organizations and international studies.

42-49 122

This paper provides the strategy and tactics for introducing generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) into the instrumental distance learning system DL.GSU.BY. The strategy consists of sequential implementation of the following stages of development: creating opportunities for convenient work with GenAI in the DL system; launching electronic GenAI students to automatically complete training courses in the DL system and comparative analysis of the achievements of various GenAI among themselves and with real students; accumulation and dissemination of studentsʼ experience working with GenAI; improving the quality of training using GenAI by developing a system of preprompts for tasks and subjects; further personalization of training through the implementation of advanced techniques for using GenAI (active GenAI, Learning by Teaching). GenAI implementation tactics consistently and in details describe practical steps to implement the strategy.



50-61 122

The article substantiates the composition and characteristics of the low-orbit ionosphere monitoring system over the territory of the Republic of Belarus and adjacent regions of the globe. This system is based on satellites-repeaters of signals of the global navigation satellite system GPS on the frequencies of 150/400 MHz allocated for geophysical research, modernized equipment of receiving points of the national satellite system of precise positioning, public telecommunication channels and a group of servers for processing received signals and estimating the total electron content in the ionosphere. The low-orbit ionosphere monitoring system is designed to provide data on the total electron content on the routes repeater satellite – receiving point of the satellite system of precise positioning when restoring the electron content in the ionosphere using radio tomography methods. Recommendations have been developed on the orbital parameters of the repeater satellites, requirements for the on-board repeater, antenna system and additional receiving channel of the equipment of receiving points      of the satellite system of precise positioning, the volume of information circulating in the system and the requirements for the processing servers are determined. A digital twin of the low-orbit ionosphere monitoring system has been developed. It has been shown that the proposed low-orbit monitoring system, when relay satellites fly in orbit over the territory of Belarus and adjacent regions for 10–15 minutes, provides an increase in the volume of data for solving the radiotomographic problem in comparison with the existing high-orbit method of 5400 measurements with distances at the ionosphere “puncture” points of the order of several kilometers in the azimuthal sector relative to the conventional center of the system 120°–150°.

62-72 133

The article considers the issues of testing computing systems and their components. It shows the low efficiency of probabilistic testing due to the failure to use the available information about both the test object and previously generated test sets. It is noted that it is promising to use information about previous test sets when constructing controlled probabilistic tests. A class of controlled probabilistic tests with a small number of test sets is identified and studied. Known standard controlled probabilistic tests with a small number of test sets are analyzed. A method for generating controlled probabilistic tests with a given Hamming distance is considered, the basis of which is the representation of binary test sets as a set of symbols of other number systems. Providing a given value of the Hamming distance for a controlled probabilistic test in a non-binary number system guarantees the same value for the binary interpretation of the generated test sets. The efficiency of the proposed test construction method is experimentally analyzed and confirmed for the case of testing memory devices for the presence of complex faults of mutual influence.

73-76 131

The influence of modern information and communication technologies on education and requirements for educational programs from the point of view of their implementation are considered. Examples of best practices in the use of information and communication technologies in education, such as the programs “Simulation learning environments” and “Virtual teacher” are given.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)