
Digital Transformation

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Vol 30, No 3 (2024)
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5-13 285

A methodology for assessing customer and employee satisfaction with digital technologies and bank services is proposed. The methodology includes indicators and evaluation criteria, questionnaires for surveying clients and bank employees. Formulas for calculating key indicators based on data obtained in survey questionnaires are provided. Approaches to verbal assessment of the level of satisfaction of clients and employees with digital technologies and bank services are considered.

14-21 226

An assessment of digital marketing management in the work of companies was carried out – namely, the compliance of internal resources with the mechanisms of digital transformation in marketing. The approach to the digital transformation of marketing systems and the principles of digital marketing management are considered. It is noted that digital marketing management is inseparable from the continuous process of developing the functions of the marketing system. The stages are proposed, on the basis of which a methodology for calculating the marketing management index in the work of companies is developed in order to analyze the digital marketing methods. It is proposed to divide the performance indicators of digital marketing communications into strategic, analytical and operational, and combine them into the classes in accordance with the methods. Based on the results of the assessment of digital marketing management, it is concluded that the theoretical basis for the economic success of many companies is the professional flexibility of top management specialists and marketing departments.

22-30 187

In the modern world, the integration of digital technologies into various spheres of life stimulates the development of the concept of smart cities, where digital innovations are used to optimize the management of resources, infrastructure and education. The article discusses the importance of digital education in the context of a smart city, emphasizing its role in the formation of the educational environment and the development of society. A study conducted in Minsk among students, graduates and retraining students reveals the requirements for digitalization of education and its impact on educational processes in a smart city. The survey results provide valuable data for the development and implementation of a unified urban educational environment based on digital platforms.

31-37 149

An analysis of intelligent solutions for all types of V2X technologies communications was carried out the through patent search and development of the patent landscape. To analyze the patent activity, a domain model was compiled, on the basis of which patenting trends over the past 20 years were determined and the dynamics of patent activity were formed taking into account the legal statuses. The distribution of patents among the leading companies has been identified, and the geography of patenting has been determined.

38-45 194

A comparative analysis of the fulfillment of the necessary conditions for implementing the digital transformation of the economy using intellectual property in the world and in the Republic of Belarus was carried out. It has been established that in order to implement the digital transformation of the economy, it is necessary to fulfill two conditions directly related to intellectual property: the development of software and the availability of an instrument fleet, determined by patents for inventions in the field of information and communication technologies. It is concluded that Belarus has significant potential in the field of software creation. A noticeable lag in the Republic in terms of creating an instrument base for information and communication technologies has been revealed, which is confirmed by the small number of patents in the field of these technologies and in the field of artificial intelligence received by national applicants. The main directions for the development of digital transformation of the national economy in terms of intellectual property are formulated.

46-51 146

The relevance of the article is due to the increased importance of training engineering personnel in the context of the global digital transformation of the economy and social sphere, as well as the rapid acceleration of the pace of technological development. In order to avoid Russia's technological lag behind leading countries in the field of implementation and use of digital technologies in a variety of fields of activity, attention should be paid to the organization and content of higher technical education. The author considers it necessary to use competency-based and interdisciplinary approaches as basic ones when teaching the disciplines of the humanities and socio-economic blocks for future engineers. As part of the competency-based approach in the context of the digital transformation of education, it is proposed to actively use the gamification method in the educational process due to its obvious advantages: increasing the involvement of students in the educational process, increasing the motivation of students, etc. To substantiate the findings, a set of scientific methods and approaches was used: analysis and synthesis, comparisons, generalizations, scientific abstractions.

52-56 200

The ability to implement strategic priorities of digital development and intensify the activities of various stakeholders (government, science, business, enterprises) in high-tech sectors are necessary conditions for the successful development of the country and solving economic problems. A key affiliation related to digitalization issues has been highlighted. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, those accents (availability of digital technologies, impact on managerial and institutional spheres, sectoral and territorial features, applied significance) on which researchers focus their attention, are identified. The directions are systematized depending on the digitalization of individual objects, including the necessary elements of digitalization.

57-60 137

Innovations are proposed in the courses of mathematical analysis, linear algebra and discrete mathematics taught in the first year of study. Innovations are aimed at improving methods of teaching basic mathematical disciplines in higher education.


61-68 167

The article discusses the use of Ethereum blockchain technology in the Internet of Things (IoT) network for IT diagnostics of patients, which increases data security and user privacy. This integration is proving effective for storing and managing sensitive data of patients with neurological diseases. An integrated system architecture has been developed that combines the IoT network, the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) file structure with the Ethereum blockchain to create a reliable data storage model. This system ensures efficient, secure and transparent data processing, optimizing the processes of data registration, authorization and verification. Using IPFS for decentralized file storage, along with the Ethereum blockchain to create tamper-proof medical records, provides increased efficiency, scalability and privacy. During the experiments, the process of creating and testing the system was implemented, including setting up the environment, connecting an IPFS node, programming Ethereum smart contracts, sampling voice data and storing their hashes.

69-74 141

The issues of testing students in the process of studying the discipline are considered. The feasibility of such testing is substantiated, procedures for automatic assessment and selection of the students, implemented in the mathematical editor Mathcad, are proposed. All statistical data, given in the examples, was obtained by processing the test results of real study groups. The advantages of such testing are noted, and non-obvious additional possibilities of the procedure provided to the teacher are indicated.

75-79 167

The importance of creating and disseminating national digital terminology in the state language was noted. Problems in the field of language terminology in the IT sphere are considered. The impact of the digital transformation of the economy and the spread of English technical terms into the national language is described. A project has been proposed to create a dictionary of digital terms in the Kazakh language with the participation of international experts from the countries of the Organization of Turkic States and the Eurasian Economic Union with the aim of their possible harmonization and use of the online platform.

80-88 176

The article describes the problems of developing neurocontrollers for controlling dynamic objects, including the complexity of forming training data sets. It is indicated that one of the known methods for training an artificial neural network controlling an object is the neuroevolutionary approach, which involves using a genetic algorithm to adjust the synaptic weighting coefficients of an artificial neural network. The idea of using a means of demonstrating the evolutionary approach to adjusting the weighting coefficients of an artificial neural network for practical training of students in the basics of the neuroevolutionary approach is proposed. Software has been developed to demonstrate the neuroevolutionary approach using the example of the evolution of an artificial neural network of a given structure intended to control a simplified computer model of an autonomous vehicle. A method for resolving the problem of stagnation when using the evolutionary approach to training an artificial neural network is described. Options for using the developed software in teaching students the basics of artificial intelligence technologies and evolutionary methods of multicriteria optimization are proposed.

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ISSN 2522-9613 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2822 (Online)